This image shows a screenshot of a website landing page. White text reading "Icarus" in a bold geometric typeface is set against a dark blue background. There is a next button in the bottom right corner of the page.
This image shows a screenshot of a website page. It shows a starry dark sky, with the sun in the top left corner and a small, winged man falling in the centre. To the right of him, a text reads, "Sure he fell all things do eventually." The webpage has a back and a next button in the bottom right corner.
This image shows a screenshot of a website page. It shows a starry dark sky, with a closeup of a winged man falling in the centre. To the right of him, a text reads, "Knowing no one had flown higher." The webpage has a back and a next button in the bottom right corner.

This piece is a digital instillation using basic web design techniques to animate each sequential page. The images and poem used are inspired by the story of Icarus, deeming that perhaps it was not his hubris but instead pure joy and wonder that led him to what he did in the first place.