Bled Dry is a rotoscope animation that takes place in a dystopian world where a blood-like substance has replaced traditional forms of energy.  The story follows a lower class woman whose unique hue of “blood” draws the attention of an elite artist.   Upon following him back to his residence, she discovers atrocities that change both her and city forever.

With this “blood” serving as a metaphor for life and labour, Bled Dry looks to explore class and wealth inequalities through the lens of fantasy.  Color, opacity, and symbolism elevate this idea within a complex and beautifully crafted world.  The narrative and animations created by Cassidy Huber, and the stunning music composed by Tyler Hippard work together to create a captivating story of wealth, class, and blood.  To view their other works, check out:

Cassidy Huber’s Portfolio:

Tyler Hippard’s SoundCloud: