The goal of the project was to design a site for a graphic designer/artist with their aesthetics in mind. This was my first attempt at designing and building a functional site using any kind of program so this was a challenge to me, but with a lot of planning, I was able to come up with this final product.
The process was fairly hectic in the beginning. I planned to do a neon colored design at first, but I scrapped that idea and came up with a new minimalistic design which I thought would fit Saville’s aesthetics in almost all his projects. I started with typing his name in photoshop and played around with colour, texture, background/frame, font, and font size. What I ended up with was a a simple typography design exhibiting the 3 primary colours in layers. With that, I had the main foundation.
Next, I thought about how I wanted to do the menu button and the navigation to the other sub pages. I thought the menu button was another way of showing Saville’s influence on the design, so I opted for another minimalist shape for the button. From there, everything else were additions of hover effects.